Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mini Me

Andrew with my finished doll

A while back, Christina and I made some miniature jewels for our dear friend Andrew Yang, and his collection of couture inspired Kouklitas.  In exchange, he promised to make us each one of his signature doll in our likeness. A year has passed, and Andrew has since had his dolls displayed in Barneys New York and Joyce in Hong Kong, and has received a continuous stream of special orders from the most prestigious retailers around the world. He even just got back from a trip to China, where the sale of his dolls built an entire orphanage!

Now I'm getting ready to leave for Stockholm, and Andrew is packing his bags for an extended stay in Paris, where he will be doing a special window installation for Galeries Lafayette.  Since we will both be moving, I thought it was best to finally pick up my doll, which has been in the works for many months, and sat to have my face drawn on.  I found my doll in an Erdem-like floral dress, made by our gifted friend Soteris, complete with a matching ruffled hat.  I'm already dreaming of all the little outfits I'll make her, starting with some cold-weather appropriate attire for our impending move to the North.

Even though we will both be moving, I'm really happy that Andrew will be nearby in Paris, and am already thinking of visiting him for the opening of his Galeries Lafayette show in November.  Although all of the dolls have already been shipped to Paris, he showed me the preliminary sketches for the all-doll rock band he created, complete with groupies, photographers, roadies, and screaming fans.  There's a sneak peek below, but you can see more photos of the actual dolls on Andrew's blog.

Before the face was painted

Filling in the eye whites

Adding some eyeliner

Blush for the cheeks

Dolls from Andrew's collection

Sketches from Andrew's new doll collection for Galleries Lafayette, incorporating a few of our friends. There's Gabi!

One of Andrew's RTW dolls

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